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About us

Established in 2017 by Jono Hitchings after his family moved back home from a 10 year sea-change on the Gold Coast. Over the past 5 years the business has grown and that is due in large to the support and loyalty from the local community, it has been very humbling and very much appreciated.


There have been many occasions where demand has exceeded our availability and we are thankful for people’s patience and understanding while we juggled this.  

With the business growing, so have our team. We thought we’d take the time to introduce the faces behind Hitch Limited.

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Jono grew up in Diamond Harbour, is married to Kate and has three boys, Louis 18, Henry 15, and Carter 8. Loves the lifestyle of the bay and enjoys being part of such a wonderful community.  He loves the water and enjoys taking the boat out with the children whenever he can. He also has a passion for sailing, which provides an opportunity to relax and enjoy what we have on our doorstep.  Jono started his career as a drain layers apprentice for Mike Coultas, over 25 years ago – goodness how the tables have turned and now we’re lucky enough to have Mike working for us.  Mike is a qualified drain layer with many years’ experience. A long time DH local and many will know him for his notorious laugh and ability for a great yarn! Mike loves to get away on his yacht whenever he gets the chance! It took us several years to find the right plumber to join the team and we’re very happy to have André Maritz on board. Originally from South Africa but moved up from Central Otago to live in our beautiful community approx 2 years ago. Andre enjoys the outdoors and is always keen for a day’s fishing – a big seafood lover.  We’re very proud to now have two apprentices with us. Flynn Martin is a third-year apprentice and he already has his drain-layers ticket. Flynn grew up in DH, currently lives in Christchurch, and loves heading off to go snowboarding or surfing. We have also taken on Corbin Bennett as a full-time apprentice for plumbing, drainage and gas fitting. Corbin is a local DH boy with a very keen attitude to learn and already showing great initiative and commitment. More recently Olivia Sinclair joined our team as our Administration & Customer Support person which is proving to be an excellent fit! Olivia is also a DH local & mother of three; she is extremely organized and a wonderful asset to the crew, keeping the pulse on running a tight ship.



Hitch Limited is a big believer in giving back to the community and as a way of saying thank you for the loyalty to Hitch Limited we support the local clubs, school and committees whenever possible.

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Diamond Harbour

New Zealand

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